A Few Parting Thanks As Acting Mayor

By Shaun Henry, October 21, 2016 The role of Acting Mayor has been as big a learning curve as it has been an honor. I have enjoyed my time as a councilor as well as the most recent year as Acting Mayor. As my tenure as Acting Mayor comes to a close, I want to thank… Continue reading A Few Parting Thanks As Acting Mayor


Tom sat down with Rina Rast of Kindersley Social… Tom has been in the Hospitality Business since he was 11. At a young age he became aware of how a strong work ethic can take you a long way. He has been self-employed since 1986 and understands how positive communication can work to propel projects… Continue reading TOM MORRIS: CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR 2016: KINDERSLEY

Town of Kindersley: Notice of Poll

By the Town of Kindersley, September 23, 2016  The Town of Kindersley has given a Public Notice regarding a poll for the Local Government Election. See the complete Public Notice below:   For the latest news and information on all things Kindersley, ‘Like’ the Kindersley Social Facebook page below…

Mayor’s Response to Rejection of City Status

By the Kindersley Social, September 19, 2016  Acting Mayor Shaun Henry recently replied to Minister Harpauer regarding the rejection of Kindersley’s application for city status. In the letter, Henry maintained that Kindersley has the required population of at least 5,000 to be designated as a city. He also stated that Kindersley has “worked in good… Continue reading Mayor’s Response to Rejection of City Status

B.C. mayor wears one suit, 15 months later someone comments

The Vancouver-area mayor, who decided to wear the same suit to every council meeting until someone noticed, has ended his social experiment after more than a year. Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart wore his plain, dark blue suit approximately 150 times over the course of 15 months. The social experiment ended on Feb. 15, after a… Continue reading B.C. mayor wears one suit, 15 months later someone comments

Regina Mayor Michael Fougere says he'll run again in October

  Fougere says he will tout vision as he seeks 2nd term Regina Mayor Michael Fougere has confirmed he will be running for re-election this fall. While many might not be surprised by the announcement,  Fougere made it official he’ll be making his second bid for mayor in an interview Monday with The Morning Edition host Sheila Coles. “I’m… Continue reading Regina Mayor Michael Fougere says he'll run again in October