Local meat preferred, but price most important

By Barbara Duckworth, The Western Producer,  November 3, 2016  While many consumers will pay more for Canadian product, 
most are not willing to pay a big premium for specialty meat EDMONTON — Canadians show their loyalty when buying meat, a new survey reports. People will pay more for fresh meat of Canadian origin and will… Continue reading Local meat preferred, but price most important

Canada awaits next U.S. Senate move in 11th hour of meat labelling fight

The WTO has ruled that an American labelling law gives U.S. products an unfair advantage Dec. 14, 2015 The U.S. Senate may introduce legislation by midnight Monday night to repeal its controversial meat labelling law that Canada has vigorously complained about — possibly averting a trade war. Or it may not. In any event, Canada… Continue reading Canada awaits next U.S. Senate move in 11th hour of meat labelling fight