What Do You Know?

We live in an upside down world. The divide between people seems to be getting wider each day. The politics of Canada and the United States both show this widening chasm. While I have seen plenty of analysis on this widening polarity, from the widening gap between the rich and poor, to the rhetoric of… Continue reading What Do You Know?

No News Isn’t Good News

“I have some bad news and some very bad news,” the doctor told his patient. “You might as well give me the bad news first,” replied the patient. “OK”, the doctor said. “The lab called with your test results. They said you have 24 hours to live.” “Twenty-four hours! That’s terrible! What could be worse?… Continue reading No News Isn’t Good News

Introducing the truth taste test

Check it Out If you find yourself getting hot around the collar while discussing political information you’ve heard from the media, you could reduce your blood pressure by doing your own investigating. Veteran journalist and Emmy Award winner Sharyl Attkisson advises media consumers not to believe everything they hear and see, because the story could… Continue reading Introducing the truth taste test

Listen for What’s Not Being Said

Check it Out A school bus driver stopped to drop off a kindergarten student. The little boy saw his grandmother waiting for him, but the bus driver wanted to make sure the woman was a family member. “Is that really your grandmother?” he asked. “Yes, she visits every Christmas.” the boy replied. “Very good,” said… Continue reading Listen for What’s Not Being Said

Ron Baker: When Thankfulness Rules!

We are a society that grates rather than being grateful. One of my Facebook friends made a decision this year. She was sick of people complaining and griping on social media. Her posts would be thankful. I believe she has found the antidote to our society’s greatest disease. I am convinced that a community is… Continue reading Ron Baker: When Thankfulness Rules!

Media Delivery

How do you get heard?  How does news get known?  OK, all of us have our “aunt” who knows everything – back in the day they were graciously called the grapevine. With the printing press, the past few centuries broke in upon a formerly visual/audio age with easily accessibly reading material.  The book in felt… Continue reading Media Delivery