Southern Mexico Hit by Major Earthquake

Source: reuters,, June 23, 2020 A flyover of Mexico City showed no fallen buildings. A powerful earthquake hit the coast of southern Mexico on Tuesday, shaking buildings in Mexico City hundreds of miles away, sending people fleeing their homes into the streets, and triggering a tsunami warning. There were no immediate reports of casualties… Continue reading Southern Mexico Hit by Major Earthquake

Reaction to USMCA deal rolls in: Not a ‘great win,’ but a ‘great save’

Source: Rachel Gilmore, CTV News Power Play producer , October 1, 2018  Canada’s Ambassador to the United States said the renegotiation of NAFTA and concessions on dairy haven’t been a “great win” but, rather, a “great save.” David MacNaughton made the comment Monday on CTV’s Power Play. The ambassador wasn’t the only one to weigh in.… Continue reading Reaction to USMCA deal rolls in: Not a ‘great win,’ but a ‘great save’

Here are the winners and losers in the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Source: The Canadian Press, October 1, 2018  OTTAWA — After 14 months of hand-wringing, there’s a new North American trade pact. Here’s an early look at some of the winners and losers in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement: Winners Automakers: A side letter published along with the main text of the agreement leaves out a percentage of… Continue reading Here are the winners and losers in the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement

The name game: NAFTA replacement USMCA spurs confusion, jokes

Source: CTV News, October 1, 2018  The trade agreement reached Sunday night between Canada, Mexico and the United States isn’t just notable for its contents, but also for its name.l The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which has been in effect since 1994. The two agreements are largely… Continue reading The name game: NAFTA replacement USMCA spurs confusion, jokes

NAFTA deal reached: Canada, U.S., Mexico reach trade agreement under new name

Source: Katie Dangerfield, Global News, September 30, 2018  After more than a year of negotiating a new North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA), Canada, the U.S. and Mexico have finally inked a trade deal Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer released a joint statement Sunday night announcing the new deal, which… Continue reading NAFTA deal reached: Canada, U.S., Mexico reach trade agreement under new name

Canada still aiming for intensive NAFTA talks, even though Trump’s in no rush

Source: Andy Blatchford, The Canadian Press, July 3, 2018  OTTAWA — The federal Liberal government is determined to rekindle intensive talks on a new continental trade pact this summer — even though President Donald Trump says he won’t sign a renegotiated NAFTA until after the U.S. midterm elections this fall. Now that Mexico’s presidential election is… Continue reading Canada still aiming for intensive NAFTA talks, even though Trump’s in no rush

NAFTA talks face uphill battle as Mexico, Canada carry on after tariffs

Source: Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press, June 1, 2018  WASHINGTON – Now they put their noses to the grindstone and get back to the North American Free Trade Agreement. But it is shaping up to be a complicated, uphill slog. Mexico and Canada have renewed their commitment to the bare-knuckled NAFTA renegotiation after absorbing the blow… Continue reading NAFTA talks face uphill battle as Mexico, Canada carry on after tariffs

Canada, U.S. spar over late-stage sticking point in NAFTA: sunset clause

Source: Alexander Panetta, The Canadian Press, April 25, 2018  WASHINGTON — Canada and the U.S. have had a testy exchange over the idea of including a termination clause in NAFTA, with this idea of a so-called sunset clause emerging as a late-stage sticking point in the negotiations. The U.S. has revived the sunset proposal. In the… Continue reading Canada, U.S. spar over late-stage sticking point in NAFTA: sunset clause

Canada and Mexico to be exempt from U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum

Source: Pete Evans, CBC News, March 8, 2018  Both countries could lose their special status if White House changes its mind as NAFTA talks unfold Canada and Mexico will be exempt from tariffs on steel and aluminum imported into the United States, but there’s no guarantee that will be the case forever. A little after… Continue reading Canada and Mexico to be exempt from U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum

At NAFTA talks, Canada delivers a lecture on autos, not a counter-offer

Source: Alexander Panetta, The Canadian Press, November 19, 2017  MEXICO CITY — Canadian negotiators intend to provide a briefing to their American peers on how their auto proposals would devastate their own domestic industry, in an effort to reset one of the most difficult conversations looming over the renegotiation of NAFTA. Multiple sources say that at… Continue reading At NAFTA talks, Canada delivers a lecture on autos, not a counter-offer