Japan public TV sends mistaken missile alert

Source: The Associated Press, January 16, 2018  TOKYO — Japan’s public broadcaster mistakenly sent an alert warning citizens of a North Korean missile launch and urging them to seek immediate shelter, then retracted it minutes later, days after a similar error in Hawaii. NHK television issued the message Tuesday on its internet and mobile news sites… Continue reading Japan public TV sends mistaken missile alert

Donald Trump warns ‘all options are on the table’ after North Korea’s latest missile launch

Source: Adam Frisk, Global News, August 29, 2017  North Korea fired a missile early on Tuesday that flew over Japan and landed in the Pacific waters off the northern region of Hokkaido, South Korea and Japan said, in a sharp escalation of tensions on the Korean peninsula. U.S. President Donald Trump warned North Korea Tuesday that “all options are… Continue reading Donald Trump warns ‘all options are on the table’ after North Korea’s latest missile launch