Revive the Lost Art of Reflection

Source: Deena Kara Shaffer, PhD,, November 1, 2019 Why, and how, to look deeper In the daily grind of constant doing, reflection can feel a far way off. Yet, without practising reflection upon what we’re doing, how we’re going about it, and why, that very doing can lose its meaning. Without reflection, our mental well-being… Continue reading Revive the Lost Art of Reflection

9 Ways I’ve Learned to Cultivate Inner Beauty

Source: Sarah Landry,, July 16, 2019 Six years ago, I embarked on a journey to get healthy and live a better life—not just for me, but for my children too. I wanted to feel more whole. Confident. Beautiful. So, I lost 100 pounds (45 kg). This didn’t leave me feeling all that confident or beautiful.… Continue reading 9 Ways I’ve Learned to Cultivate Inner Beauty

No more back-to-school bugs

Source: Meghan van Drimmelen, ND,, September 1, 2018 A naturopath reveals why kids visit her clinic in the fall. (Plus: what she tells their parents!) We’re heading into fall, and that means we’re marching toward cold and flu season (ugghhh) and other seasonal oh-no-not-again situations. But there’s an upside to this: it can prompt a… Continue reading No more back-to-school bugs

5 Nutrients Your Kids Need

Source:, September 18, 2019 Plus: How to make sure even your biggest spinach-hater is getting enough Most kids have their share of likes and dislikes when it comes to food. (Anyone who’s had a standoff with a four-year-old over a random vegetable can vouch for this.) But sometimes those “eww I’m not eating that” moments… Continue reading 5 Nutrients Your Kids Need

Clues and Tips for the Cold and Flu Season

Source: Gail Johnson,, July 15, 2019 Cracking this cold case “Don’t go outside,” my grandmother scolded. “It’s wet. You’ll get sick!” As wise as she is, that’s not quite how the cold and flu viruses work. Let’s break it down, cough by cough. The dreaded “man cold” Every fall, I break out my arsenal of… Continue reading Clues and Tips for the Cold and Flu Season

This is Your Brain On No Sleep

Source: Gail Johnson,, July 15, 2019 Sleep deprivation is no joke. Here’s what to do about it. In our wired, 24-7 world where people are facing more demands than ever, getting a good night’s rest is typically the one thing that gets cut. We soldier on, complaining about how tired we are between trips to… Continue reading This is Your Brain On No Sleep

Top 5 nutrient must-haves for kids

Source:, August 6, 2019 The Top Five 1. Calcium Not only is calcium important for helping build strong bones as a child grows through to young adulthood, but it’s also essential for muscle contraction, nerve signalling, and hormone release. Bone calcium starts to decrease, though, in young adulthood, so getting off to a healthy start… Continue reading Top 5 nutrient must-haves for kids

Healthy eating for a healthy child

Source: Andy De Santis, RD, MPH,, August 6, 2019 Parents, these days, are often inundated to the point of confusion and paralysis when it comes to figuring out what to feed their kids. In this article, inspired by the latest version of Canada’s Food Guide, we take a step back from the smoke and mirrors and… Continue reading Healthy eating for a healthy child

Is Your Workout as Stale as Your Gym Shoes?

Source: Brendan Rolfe, DipA, PTS, NWS,, June, 2019 How you should be working out: a mansplanation You do it because it’s your routine, or maybe you don’t do it because it’s become routine. Either way, you don’t enjoy working out anymore. It doesn’t have to be this way. Let’s make exercise great again (MEGA)—hats not… Continue reading Is Your Workout as Stale as Your Gym Shoes?

Sleep tight

Source: Rachel B. Levin,, July 12, 2019 Fatigue Science is upping pro sports teams’ sleep game. Soon, the tech innovator could help you sleep for your best life. For professional athletes who regularly attend high-intensity practices, travel across time zones, and play late-night matches, getting enough sleep can be an epic challenge. But a Canadian… Continue reading Sleep tight