Patzer: My Thoughts on Vaccine Passports

Photo Credit: Industry Week

Many of you have reached out this past month, asking my view on vaccine passports. While I oppose the use of vaccine passports in principle, and would not support their use in Canada, I also know that it could be a helpful way of safely restarting international travel.  The concept of a vaccine passport would… Continue reading Patzer: My Thoughts on Vaccine Passports

Clare’s Law Will Now Be Enforced by the RCMP

Clare’s Law will now be enforced by the RCMP, as a result of amendments made to the RCMP Regulations, 2014. Jeremy Patzer, MP for Cypress Hills—Grasslands has been advocating for these changes with the Ministries of Public Safety and Justice, and considers this announcement a win for women, and a step in the right direction to combatting… Continue reading Clare’s Law Will Now Be Enforced by the RCMP

Read Jeremy Patzer’s Viral Hotel Quarantine Letter

In case you missed it, here is Jeremy Patzer’s open letter response to Prime Minister Trudeau’s travel and quarantine restrictions. His letter went viral almost instantly, and Patzer was overwhelmed by the positive response he heard from not only individuals in the Southwest, but also people from across Canada. For the latest information and for… Continue reading Read Jeremy Patzer’s Viral Hotel Quarantine Letter

Jeremy Patzer: My Letter To Bill Blair Regarding Their COVID Travel and Border Restrictions

Conservatives are calling for a plan to secure Canada’s economic recovery – endless lockdowns simply can not be the only solution. But the Liberals keep advancing their agenda & imposing sweeping rules & restrictions that have major consequences for all Canadians. Here is a letter I wrote to Bill Blair about their travel and border… Continue reading Jeremy Patzer: My Letter To Bill Blair Regarding Their COVID Travel and Border Restrictions

Conservative Keystone XL Motion Denied by Committee

OTTAWA – The cancellation of Keystone XL will not be considered by Ottawa’s natural resources committee. On Monday, a majority vote defeated a Conservative motion to highlight and study the cancelled pipeline project. Despite repeated efforts made by the Official Opposition, a lack of support from Liberal and other members put the final tally at… Continue reading Conservative Keystone XL Motion Denied by Committee

Jeremy Patzer: My Letter to President Biden Regarding the Keystone Pipeline

There is bipartisan support for Keystone XL in the United States. Despite the Liberal governments willingness to throw their hands in the air and give up, Conservatives will continue to make the case for this important project, and many others like it. For the latest information and for more updates on everything Kindersley ‘Like’ the… Continue reading Jeremy Patzer: My Letter to President Biden Regarding the Keystone Pipeline

Jeremy Patzer: The Importance of Clare’s Law

Many of you are probably aware of the issue of Clare’s Law, and the fact that RCMP in Saskatchewan are unable to enforce the Law do to their being restricted by the federal Privacy Act.  I sponsored a petition on this issue, effectively calling on the Government to amend the Act in order to allow personal information under… Continue reading Jeremy Patzer: The Importance of Clare’s Law

Jeremy Patzer: Supporting Our Energy Sector Petition

Canada’s energy sector will have to be an essential part of our national recovery. Whatever anti-energy activists and politicians say or want to believe, this is a solid fact. Sadly, they constantly repeat their message in public and get more attention as a result. In Parliament, I want to make sure other voices in support… Continue reading Jeremy Patzer: Supporting Our Energy Sector Petition

New Year, New Tax Hike

By Jeremy Patzer, MP for Cypress Hills—Grasslands Another change of the calendar and another Liberal tax hike—happy new year! January 1st saw more than just the ushering in of a new year. It brought us a tax increase from a government who promised not to raise taxes on Canadians this year. The Prime Minister has… Continue reading New Year, New Tax Hike