When was Battle of Passchendaele? Most Canadians don’t know: poll

Source: Josh Dehaas, CTV News, November 8, 2017  Passchendaele was one of the deadliest battles in Canadian history, but a new poll released exactly 100 years later finds that most Canadians can’t even correctly identify which war it was part of. When given a list of five wars to choose from–including the Second World War,… Continue reading When was Battle of Passchendaele? Most Canadians don’t know: poll

Canadian’s Passchendaele Victoria Cross to go on sale a century after it was awarded

Source: Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press, November 5, 2017  OTTAWA — Passchendaele. More than 500,000 people, including 15,000 Canadians, were killed or wounded during the prolonged fight, as weeks of rain and shell fire churned the battlefield into a sea of mud. Yet amid the horror that enveloped a small part of Belgium in the summer… Continue reading Canadian’s Passchendaele Victoria Cross to go on sale a century after it was awarded