Sonshine Kennels: What in the World is a Whoodle

When the ever so intelligent Poodle mates with the amicable SoftCoated Wheaten Terrier you get a Whoodle. A handy side-kick, who may occasionally be mistaken for an oversized teddy-bear, the Whoodle is a designer dog breed. Medium in size, with a soft curly and cuddly coat, the Poodle – Wheaten Terrier Mix is a perfect… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: What in the World is a Whoodle

Sonshine Kennels: How To Tell If Your Dog Is Overtired

1. Yawning – Most people would probably say, that’s the most obvious. 2. He forgets commands – If he seems to have forgotten even the simplest commands without any noticeable distraction, it’s very likely that he’s had enough and needs a break. 3. Hyper dog lying down 4. He’s having the “Zoomies” When you’re dog… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: How To Tell If Your Dog Is Overtired

Sonshine Kennels: How to Clean a Dog’s Ears

As pet owners, we know that keeping our dogs’ ears clean is an important part of their care. But cleaning those ears can challenging if our dogs aren’t conditioned to accept ear cleaning, or we don’t feel comfortable doing it. Some dogs naturally have healthy, clean ears and may almost never need to have their… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: How to Clean a Dog’s Ears

Sonshine Kennels: Reasons to Groom Your Dog

It Controls Your Dog’s Shedding. A professional pet groomer knows what type of grooming is needed for each specific breed of dog. Yes, as owners we can always do our own dog grooming. One benefit that a pet groomer can provide for your dog is to control its shedding. Regularly brushing a dog’s hair stimulates… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Reasons to Groom Your Dog

Sonshine Kennels: The Miniature Pinscher

Min Pins are sturdy, compact dogs standing no more than 12.5 inches at the shoulder. The smooth, shiny coat comes in two shades of solid red, or chocolate-and-rust or black-and-rust. The dark, slightly oval eyes and high-set ears help bring out a self-possessed, “big dog” personality. A distinguishing characteristic is the Min Pin’s high-stepping “hackney”… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: The Miniature Pinscher

Sonshine Kennels: 10 Qualities Of Great Dog Trainers

1. Patience. Patience is indeed a virtue, is it not? Especially when dealing with clients and their dogs. Maintaining your patience is key to helping clients learn without feeling like you are getting annoyed with them. 2. Sense of Humor. On those days where it feels as though everything is going wrong and like the… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: 10 Qualities Of Great Dog Trainers

Sonshine Kennels: Who Is Really in Charge? Man or Beast?

Have you ever been with someone who has an unruly pet-constantly jumping up on you, nipping your hands or clothing, growling, lunging at you, slobbering on you or constantly barking while trying to visit with your friend? Yep, we have all been there, maybe this even paints the scenario of how your dog behaves and… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Who Is Really in Charge? Man or Beast?

Sonshine Kennels: We Should Take a Hint From Our Pets

Christmas is one of the best times to really center in on what is important to you and do that. Look into the eyes of your dog and all they want is love and attention and a good bone to chew on. We should take a hint from our pets and focus on the important… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: We Should Take a Hint From Our Pets

Sonshine Kennels: Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men or in Other Words Whose Bright Idea Was This Anyway

With Christmas coming right around the corner, we are cognizant of the grandiose ideas we have cooked up to make Christmas, the BEST EVER! As the days march along, many of those plans seem to fall by the wayside to more practical things or if we do tackle them we soon get lost in the… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men or in Other Words Whose Bright Idea Was This Anyway

Sonshine Kennels: Have a Pawsitively Wonderful Christmas

Christmas is one of the best times to really center in on what is important to you and do that. Look into the eyes of your dog and all they want is love and attention and a good bone to chew on. We should take a hint from our pets and focus on the important… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Have a Pawsitively Wonderful Christmas