Local Storm Chaser Jenny Hagan Launches TV Series Today

Photo Credit: Jenny Hagan

Calling the Land of Living Skies home is the perfect place for Jenny Hagan whose passion for storm chasing continues to grow. For over ten years, Hagan has been behind the camera chasing storms across the prairies. Recently, she has shifted focus and has trying something different, with great results! “These past two years I’ve… Continue reading Local Storm Chaser Jenny Hagan Launches TV Series Today

“Sometimes life hands you rare one of a kind moments”

Photographing nature does take some skill but most often it’s patience and a bit of luck. I had heard of an albino Mule deer doe hanging out near town. I knew the herd and I knew the course they normally travelled. Being in the right place at the right time proved slightly more difficult. I… Continue reading “Sometimes life hands you rare one of a kind moments”

The Untold Story

A photograph can capture am moment otherwise gone, portray a feeling or tell a story. The story can either be told by the photograph and the one who captured it or by the viewer taking away something from the image before them. That’s the beauty about art it brings different emotions to different people. For… Continue reading The Untold Story

Homestead Aerial Farm Photo Display

March 19, 2018 10:00AM – 6:00PM Kindersley Inn, 601, 11th Ave E, Kindersley Homestead Aerial will be displaying aerial farm photos dating back to the 1950’s thru to 2000. We cover Saskatchewan , Alberta, Manitoba and B.C. With over a million photos in stock, we are the largest archival library of aerial farm photos. We… Continue reading Homestead Aerial Farm Photo Display

Frozen bubble photography in your own backyard

Source: Ashleigh Mattern, CBC News, December 29, 2017  Photographer Craig Hilts shares his tips for getting the perfect shot During the summer, Craig Hilts chases storms and aurora, but when it’s too cold outside to do either, he takes pictures of bubbles. Hilts runs Prairie Fire Photography out of Swift Current, and his photo of a… Continue reading Frozen bubble photography in your own backyard

3 Ways to Smooth Out Jumpy Time Lapse Movies

By Udi Tirosh, DIYPhotography.net, October 13, 2016  If you’ve ever taken a long time lapse only to discover your shutter settings were bad, you know how frustrating it can be. Instead of having a nice blurred sequence you end up with jumpy footage. Somewhat of a staccato. While it id obviously best to get that… Continue reading 3 Ways to Smooth Out Jumpy Time Lapse Movies

How to Shoot Amazing Night Time Photography

By John Aldred, DIYPhotography.net, August 22, 2016  With the impending Perseid meteor shower peak over the next couple of days, night time photography has suddenly become popular. But when you’re expecting one of the best meteor shower views in years, what else can you expect? In this video from TIME, photographer Stuart Palley shares tips… Continue reading How to Shoot Amazing Night Time Photography


By John Aldred, DIYPhotography, August 3, 2016  Shooting outside in bright sunlight scares many photographers. I always see people saying to not go out and shoot portraits when the sun’s high in the sky. To wait until golden hour and shoot in the sunset, or only go out on a cloudy day. Well, I think that’s nonsense. There’s… Continue reading 5 TIPS TO GET GREAT LIGHT FOR OUTDOOR PORTRAITS


By John Aldred, DIYPhotography.net, June 1, 2016  There’s a lot more to shutter speed than simply filling in a part of the exposure triangle. The creative choices when it comes to shutter speed are just as important as the technical. In this video from PhotoRec TV, Toby Gelston tells us all about shutter speed, the… Continue reading EVERYTHING YOU EVER NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT SHUTTER SPEED


Source: Gannon Burgett, March 25, 2016 One of the more interesting photo techniques used in sports and racing photography is panning. Not only does it provide context to the speed and motion involved, it also isolates the subject matter, making for an interesting composition. The concept seems simple, but as many years of shooting has… Continue reading TIPS FOR IMPROVING YOUR PANNING TECHNIQUE