Semis involved in fatal collision shouldn’t have been on road: Driver trainer

Source: Jason Warick, CBC News, November 26, 2018 Saskatchewan semi drivers are required to pass a road test, but hundreds have passed without any training The three semi-trailers connected to the death of a Rosetown firefighter should not have been on the road that morning, says one of Saskatchewan’s most experienced driving trainers. “What were those… Continue reading Semis involved in fatal collision shouldn’t have been on road: Driver trainer

SGI launches ‘hard-hitting and heartbreaking’ campaign against impaired driving

Source: CBC News, September 24, 2018  Campaign includes real-life stories and testimonials of Sask. people affected by impaired driving Craig Stevenson says he will always remember the moment he found out his 17-year-old son was killed by an impaired driver. “You really can’t put words to what you feel,” he told CBC Radio’s Saskatoon Morning. Now Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI)… Continue reading SGI launches ‘hard-hitting and heartbreaking’ campaign against impaired driving