Royal Canadian Navy ship named after Saskatchewan war hero

Source: Adam MacVicar, Global News, March 16, 2018  HMCS Margaret Brooke is expected to launch in July 2019. One of the Royal Canadian Navy‘s newest offshore patrol ships will bear the name of a Saskatoon war hero, Dr. Margaret Brooke. Brooke was born in Ardath, Sask.  She studied at the University of Saskatchewan, becoming a dietitian before enrolling… Continue reading Royal Canadian Navy ship named after Saskatchewan war hero

Remembrance Day prompts look at Saskatoon's naval history

By Courtney Markewich, CBC News, November 11, 2016  Nearly 3,600 people from Saskatoon and area enlisted in navy during Second World War For a city that’s hundreds of kilometres away from the oceans, Saskatoon has a strong naval history. The area saw nearly 3,600 people join the naval reserves during the Second World War. Leading… Continue reading Remembrance Day prompts look at Saskatoon's naval history

Last of Royal Canadian Navy's supply ships to be retired

By Michael MacDonald, The Canadian Press, October 21, 2016  HALIFAX — It has a wide girth and, at 46 years old, is a bit rough around the edges. But the last of Canada’s steam-powered warships — HMCS Preserver — has a well-earned reputation for staying the course and getting the job done. The Royal Canadian… Continue reading Last of Royal Canadian Navy's supply ships to be retired