Women rescued after 5 months lost at sea finally set foot on ground

Source: Ken Mortisugu, The Associated Press, October 30, 2017  Two women from Hawaii who were adrift on a storm-battered sailboat in the Pacific for months set foot on solid ground Monday at a U.S. Navy base in southern Japan. The USS Ashland rescued Jennifer Appel and Tasha Fuiava and their two dogs about 1,450 kilometers southeast of Japan, and… Continue reading Women rescued after 5 months lost at sea finally set foot on ground

Ancient Chinese junk boat to sail out of Montague Harbour

By Kevin Yarr, CBC News, July 8, 2016  Monte Gisbourne searched for his dream boat for seven years A cottager in eastern P.E.I. will be spending time this summer sailing the coast in a boat of ancient Chinese design. The junk-rigged boat design dates back to the second century, and they are still built for… Continue reading Ancient Chinese junk boat to sail out of Montague Harbour