Talk about a teacher with a passion!

Source: Sun West School Division, April 16, 2020 Lucky Lake Science teacher Glen Smith has found a unique way to help students learn from home while also providing some levity. Mr. Smith uses his YouTube channel to deliver weekly science lessons for what he calls the Social Isolation Class (S.I.C.). Whether it’s providing prizes for… Continue reading Talk about a teacher with a passion!

People Can Control Mental Activity Using Brain Scans

By Tia Ghose, Live Science,, September 16, 2016  People were able to calm activity in the amygdala after seeing visual cues that responded to their mental processes. People who can “see” their brain activity can change it, after just one or two neurofeedback sessions, new research shows. People in the study were able to… Continue reading People Can Control Mental Activity Using Brain Scans

Infrared Shirt Cools You, Reduces Need for AC

By Eric Niiler,, Sep. 1, 2016  A new cool-temp fabric could keep you more comfortable in hot weather and help lower your electric bill. Researchers hunting for a way to cut energy costs have come up with a unique solution: a fabric that keeps your body both warmer and cooler by dissipating both heat and infraredradiation. Clothing… Continue reading Infrared Shirt Cools You, Reduces Need for AC

China fits final piece on world's largest radio telescope

By BBC News, July 4, 2016  China has fitted the final piece on what will be the world’s largest radio telescope, due to begin operations in September, state media report. The 500m-wide Aperture Spherical Telescope, or FAST, is the size of 30 football fields. The $180m (£135m) satellite project will be used to explore space… Continue reading China fits final piece on world's largest radio telescope

How mushrooms fuelled a scientist's flight out North Korea

By The Associated Press, June 23, 2016  HWASEONG, Korea, Republic Of — Lee T.B. fled North Korea not because he suffered from dire poverty or persecution at home, as many other defectors have. He did it for mushrooms, and to fulfil his wife’s dying wish. He has studied the fungi for decades and has created… Continue reading How mushrooms fuelled a scientist's flight out North Korea

Australian photographer captures bizarre photos of fish ‘trapped’ inside a jellyfish

By Adam Frisk, Global News, June 7, 2016  Australian photographer Tim Samuel captured the bizarre images of this odd duo while freediving off the coast of Byron Bay, New South Wales It might look like a bad day to many for this fish that appears “trapped” in a jellyfish. But it could be the fish’s… Continue reading Australian photographer captures bizarre photos of fish ‘trapped’ inside a jellyfish

World's Largest Radio Telescope Faces Troubling Future

By Sarah Scoles,, June 6, 2016  The National Science Foundation is considering pulling its support from the famous Arecibo radio dish in Puerto Rico One of the world’s most iconic astronomy sites, Puerto Rico’s giant Arecibo Observatory, may be facing the end of its era. The National Science Foundation (NSF), the primary funder of… Continue reading World's Largest Radio Telescope Faces Troubling Future

Did T. Rex Have Lips?

By Live Science,, June 3, 2016  The fierce dinosaur might not have had a “permanent smile” after all. T. rex may have had lips. Yes, you read that right. Lips. Robert Reisz, a paleontologist at the University of Toronto, is challenging the long-standing image of meat-eating theropod dinosaurs such as T. rex. Specifically, Reisz suggests that theropods’… Continue reading Did T. Rex Have Lips?

Super-Sizing Science

By Rebecca Morelle, BBC New, May 23, 2016  China’s Science Revolution China is super-sizing science. From building the biggest experiments the world has ever seen to rolling out the latest medical advances on a massive scale and pushing the boundaries of exploration from the deepest ocean to outer space – China’s scientific ambitions are immense.… Continue reading Super-Sizing Science

6 Ways You Know the Robots Are Revolting

By Glenn McDonald, Discovery News Robot Revolution? Every few weeks, it seems, a new story hits the headlines about the latest breakthrough in the field of robotics. Innovations are happening all the time, of course. The term “robotics” encompasses a global system of technology, industry and research. But certain kinds of robot stories break through into popular… Continue reading 6 Ways You Know the Robots Are Revolting