Happy Summer From Maggie Mae

Just thought I would let you in on a secret – It’s time for some R&R. Life can get crazy busy sometimes but it’s good just to find a quiet spot, curl up and have a good snooze. Sleep is one of the best rejuvenators. You are the one who sets your agenda so slow things down. Take a moment… Continue reading Happy Summer From Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae: Description of a Westie

A WESTIE IS A GREAT DOG-NEED I SAY MORE – BUT HERE IS THE LOWDOWN OF US WHITE TERRIERS:   The West Highland White Terrier is a game and hardy little terrier that is easy to train. It is fairly friendly toward strangers and gets along well with children. Easy dog to travel with. These dogs are… Continue reading Maggie Mae: Description of a Westie

Maggie Mae: Canada Day

Hey guys, it’s time to celebrate Canada Day.  As you can see I am all ready to rotate-yeaaah. Been very busy out here at sonshine kennels and as the queen of the show-it’s almost exhausting keeping an eye on things. Be sure you get booked in for your summer boarding plans and those amazing grooming sessions… Continue reading Maggie Mae: Canada Day

Maggie Mae: Long Time No Hear

Musings from Maggie Mae Been a long winter and we are finally into the joy of warm weather and freedom from the ice and snow. Let’s do a little checkup: Have you had your dog’s shots updated-including kennel cough vaccine? Necessary for both boarding and grooming Have you given your dog the spa treatment with a grooming and nail… Continue reading Maggie Mae: Long Time No Hear

Maggie Mae: Spring Musings

Musings from Maggie Mae As far as it looks this Spring-things are looking great!! Snow practically gone-tinge of green in the grass-sound of geese overhead-frogs singing away…. So where do we go from here? Time for cleanup-dog and yard too. After the long winter grooming is on the hit list-make sure your dog gets a fresh ‘do’ – hair trimmed… Continue reading Maggie Mae: Spring Musings

Maggie Mae: You Have Got to be Kidding!

Musings from Maggie Mae You will never guess what happened to me-“they” moved my bed. You have got to be kidding!!!! (You know who “they” are-the folks that love, feed and provide for me. ) Really- why mess with the bed. Didn’t quite know how to handle it so just pouted on the floor. Sound… Continue reading Maggie Mae: You Have Got to be Kidding!

Happy Valentine’s Day from Maggie Mae

A thank you to my favorite human friend on Valentine’s Day… -For letting me be there for you on good days and bad -For playing with me when I need a playmate -For taking me on fun walks and car rides For feeding me every day -For treating me with kindness and being so happy… Continue reading Happy Valentine’s Day from Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae: Little Things Make the Difference

As in life, little things make the difference- putting those keys in the right place, making your bed every day, taking time for a coffee with a friend-all good and so helpful  to your day. There is the other side of the coin (so to speak) , this picture shows coins that had been swallowed… Continue reading Maggie Mae: Little Things Make the Difference

Christmas Tips from Maggie Mae

And so December begins-only a few weeks until Christmas holiday celebrations. As a dog who loves to eat and snoop into everything I would like to offer a few safety tips for us dogs during the Christmas parties, decorating and celebrations: Watch for tinsel on the floor-if inhaled it can hurt the delicate intestines/gut of your pup Chocolate is a… Continue reading Christmas Tips from Maggie Mae

Merry Christmas from Maggie Mae

The Message of Christmas rings throughout this time of year. Sounds of enjoying each other, taking time to be thankful, shopping for special gifts, magnificent music, meals together, friends popping in for a quick visit. There are those, however right near to us, who do not experience these delights. So, what can we do to help? One thing at… Continue reading Merry Christmas from Maggie Mae