Maggie Mae: Remember to Remember

In the days of our lives, we must Remember to Remember. November 11 marks the day set aside to focus on what our country means to us and the grave responsibility we have to protect it. Over the years, unbelievable sacrifice, dedication and total selfless giving by soldiers in battles during wars fought far away ensured our freedom and peace.… Continue reading Maggie Mae: Remember to Remember

Maggie Mae: The Power of Procrastination

Hello gang from Maggie Mae-the queen of procrastination You know-I’ll do it later when I get around to it.  Well, take for example, not getting my teeth cleaned regularly-now I have stinky breath and sore gums.  Or the classic, let’s clean up the mess later and later never comes and the mess gets worse.  Perhaps,… Continue reading Maggie Mae: The Power of Procrastination

Maggie Mae: To Tell the Truth

To tell the truth- I, Maggie Mae, can’t believe it is fall already. Literally one day- heat and sun and the next- cool nights and leaves changing colours. Not sure that I am ready for it but here we are. Kind of like life-things can change in a big hurry so it is always important to have a… Continue reading Maggie Mae: To Tell the Truth