Local Storm Chaser Jenny Hagan Launches TV Series Today

Photo Credit: Jenny Hagan

Calling the Land of Living Skies home is the perfect place for Jenny Hagan whose passion for storm chasing continues to grow. For over ten years, Hagan has been behind the camera chasing storms across the prairies. Recently, she has shifted focus and has trying something different, with great results! “These past two years I’ve… Continue reading Local Storm Chaser Jenny Hagan Launches TV Series Today

Sask. storm chaser in running for National Geographic photography award

By CBC News, November 4, 2016  Ryan Wunsch thinks ‘mother ship’ photo is one of his very best A Saskatchewan man is in the running for National Geographic’s nature photographer of the year contest. Ryan Wunsch is a storm chaser and the hobby puts him in the path of some awe-inspiring natural events. Read full… Continue reading Sask. storm chaser in running for National Geographic photography award

Storms of 2016

Whew. It was a crazy busy summer for me.  Well summer always is.  For the past couple years storm season was sorta lagging.  Well this summer sure made up for that.  It was a season of vey active skies.  Which I both loved and hated.  There was tons of photography opportunities but had a hard… Continue reading Storms of 2016

First significant storm of the season tracks through Saskatchewan

By CBC News, May 21, 2016  Long weekend includes a downpour for some After a hot and dry spring, a drenching thunderstorm hit parts of Saskatchewan Saturday. Meteorologists from Environment Canada tracked a line of severe thunderstorms packing very strong wind gusts and the potential of toonie-sized hail and heavy rain. Read full article here

Chasing the Tilston Tornado

It’s getting to that time of year again. Storm season is just about upon us.  The prairies have seen its first tornado of the year near Calgary Alberta.  A spectacular EF0 land spout.   I get a few absolutely awe inspiring chases in a season.  I travel across the Canadian prairies, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.… Continue reading Chasing the Tilston Tornado

Saskatchewan's Tornado Hunter launches new book

Source: CBC News, March 20, 2016  ‘Why is the Sky Green?’ was released last Thursday A new book by Saskatchewan’s famous tornado hunter looks to the sky for answers. Greg Johnson’s new book Why is the Sky Green? was launched last week in Saskatoon. “The title of the book was born out of a single photograph that… Continue reading Saskatchewan's Tornado Hunter launches new book