After Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis, Sask. Patient Fined for Not Self-Isolating

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Source: Mickey Djuric ,, November 16, 2020 The person was fined $2,800 under the public health order, and police say the person did interact with other people. The Moose Jaw Police Service have fined a person with COVID-19 after they failed to self-isolate. Police were alerted to the incident on Saturday following a complaint.… Continue reading After Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis, Sask. Patient Fined for Not Self-Isolating

Ottawa’s Coronavirus Deficit Will Take Years to Pay

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Source: Amanda Connolly,, July 06, 2020 It may be upwards of a decade before the deficit is eliminated and start paying down the debt. The massive federal deficit created by the unprecedented coronavirus emergency response could take more than 10 years to get under control, one economist suggests. In an interview with The West… Continue reading Ottawa’s Coronavirus Deficit Will Take Years to Pay

Test Your Canadian Knowledge!

Source: Staff Global Newsl,, July 01, 2020 Immigrants who wish to become Canadian citizens must take a citizenship test that quizzes them on that knowledge, but could you do better? Canada Day has arrived, the annual day where we all celebrate our shared home. Being Canadian means taking pride in where you live, and… Continue reading Test Your Canadian Knowledge!