West Central Abilities: Thank You!

West Central Abilities would like to thank everyone who supported our St. Patrick’s Day FUN-DRAISER!  We had a wonderful evening raising money for our new day program building and hope everyone who attended did as well! Also, thank you to all of our volunteers!  Without them, this event would not have been possible! Please watch… Continue reading West Central Abilities: Thank You!

A Few Parting Thanks As Acting Mayor

By Shaun Henry, October 21, 2016 The role of Acting Mayor has been as big a learning curve as it has been an honor. I have enjoyed my time as a councilor as well as the most recent year as Acting Mayor. As my tenure as Acting Mayor comes to a close, I want to thank… Continue reading A Few Parting Thanks As Acting Mayor

West Central Abilities: Thank You!

THANK YOU!  Thank-you to those who volunteered and helped with the success of our BBQ for Goose Festival on September 22 as well as everyone who came out and supported us by purchasing food or baking items. All proceeds from the BBQ and bake sale will benefit the WCA Client Trip Fund. A special thank… Continue reading West Central Abilities: Thank You!

Thank You to Santa's Hut Supporters

We would like to thank everyone involved in Santa’s Hut 2015 for their tremendous support they have given The West Central Crisis & Family Support Centre and our Annual Fundraiser.  Without their support this event would not be possible. Thank you to all of the local media for getting the word out to the public.… Continue reading Thank You to Santa's Hut Supporters