Short Days Ago We Lived

“Short days ago we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved, and now we lie in Flanders fields.” On November 11, just moments after 11:00 a.m. Scott Holloway, Chaplain of the Kindersley Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion (#57), quoted the above phrase into the stillness of the room. The words from… Continue reading Short Days Ago We Lived

When was Battle of Passchendaele? Most Canadians don’t know: poll

Source: Josh Dehaas, CTV News, November 8, 2017  Passchendaele was one of the deadliest battles in Canadian history, but a new poll released exactly 100 years later finds that most Canadians can’t even correctly identify which war it was part of. When given a list of five wars to choose from–including the Second World War,… Continue reading When was Battle of Passchendaele? Most Canadians don’t know: poll

770 homeless veterans on feds’ radar, number growing year over year

Source: Rachel Aiello, CTV News, November 8, 2017  OTTAWA – The number of homeless veterans on the federal government’s radar is growing year over year, with 770 homeless veterans in its database as of September. With Remembrance Day around the corner, documents tabled in the House of Commons this week offer a sense of the… Continue reading 770 homeless veterans on feds’ radar, number growing year over year

New veterans more likely to have hard time adjusting to civilian life: survey

Source: Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press, November 7, 2017  OTTAWA — As Canadians prepare to mark Remembrance Day, a new survey by Statistics Canada suggests a growing number of veterans are having a hard time adjusting to post-military life. The survey — conducted last year but the results of which were only recently released — found… Continue reading New veterans more likely to have hard time adjusting to civilian life: survey

Kindersley Remembers Past Heroes

The rattling of machine guns, the booming of artillery, the shrill scream of shells, and the droning of planes. The bone-chilling cold, the oozing mud, the sleepless nights and everlasting days.   Thousands of men and women answered the call and served their country, no matter the cost. We will remember them. We will remember… Continue reading Kindersley Remembers Past Heroes

Herbert Strutt: A Kindersley War Veteran Remembers

The 97-year-old man leaned back in his chair. His eyes took on a far-away look as memories, some bidden, some not, came flooding into the present. For Herbert (Herb) Strutt of Kindersley, Remembrance Day holds great significance as he remembers comrades and battles over 70 years ago. Strutt, raised near Brock, SK, signed up for… Continue reading Herbert Strutt: A Kindersley War Veteran Remembers

When the Battle Cry is Spoken

When the Battle Cry is spoken, And the Voice of War is heard, The soldiers of the Allies, To battlefields do move. The enemy is silent, As if waiting for the sun, Then they hear that awesome sound, The booming of the Guns… The shells come whistling all around And wreck and break and knock… Continue reading When the Battle Cry is Spoken

Sonshine Kennels: With a Grateful Heart – We Remember

November comes quickly and so a time to remember our fallen and living heroes. Every day we must be very aware of the incalculable cost of our freedom and fight to maintain what was given to us as a trust. Stand up for what is right. Do not allow any agenda, any move, anyone, anything steal what we have in… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: With a Grateful Heart – We Remember

Maggie Mae: Remember to Remember

In the days of our lives, we must Remember to Remember. November 11 marks the day set aside to focus on what our country means to us and the grave responsibility we have to protect it. Over the years, unbelievable sacrifice, dedication and total selfless giving by soldiers in battles during wars fought far away ensured our freedom and peace.… Continue reading Maggie Mae: Remember to Remember

A Prairie Soldier’s War Memories

“My Dearest,   I miss you terribly …If you send a letter once a week it will be fine, but I won’t object if you write oftener.”—Letter from Len Warman to Vi Warman      Letters of pain, sorrow, hope and longing, penned by men and women all over Canada, give us a quiet glimpse… Continue reading A Prairie Soldier’s War Memories