West Central Crisis Centre – October is Bullying Prevention Month

By West Central Crisis Centre, October 2016    “One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.” ― Michael J. Fox     Bullying is repeated aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or relational. Boys frequently bully using physical threats and actions, while girls are… Continue reading West Central Crisis Centre – October is Bullying Prevention Month

West Central Crisis Centre – Suicide Affects Us All

By The West Central Crisis & Family Support Centre Staff, September 2016  September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day Once you choose hope, anything’s possible – Christopher Reeve If you want the rainbow, then you’ve got to put up with the rain – Dolly Parton Who does Suicide effect? In the year 2011 suicide was reported… Continue reading West Central Crisis Centre – Suicide Affects Us All

How to Communicate Effectively With An Ex in a Co-Parenting Relationship

By West Central Crisis & Family Support Centre, July, 2016  Joint custody arrangements, especially after an acrimonious split, can be infuriating and communicating with an ex can be exhausting. It can be extremely difficult to get past the painful history you may have with your ex and overcome any built-up resentment. Making shared decisions, interacting… Continue reading How to Communicate Effectively With An Ex in a Co-Parenting Relationship

West Central Crisis Centre – Stress & Anxiety Management

The staff at the West Central Crisis & Family Support Centre assist individuals with high levels of stress and anxiety on a regular basis. Creating awareness of stress acknowledgement and understanding is a necessity to manage productively. Awareness: Stress is the body’s response to a real or perceived threat. Stress is a reaction to a situation. We usually… Continue reading West Central Crisis Centre – Stress & Anxiety Management