Manitoba Grain Farmers See Surge in Prices

Source: Skylar Peters,, January 18, 2020 Wheat and corn are seeing a huge resurgence. While nearly all Manitobans are hoping for a more positive 2021 than the year we just left behind, that dream has quickly become reality for the province’s grain farmers. Prices for their crops have skyrocketed over the past few weeks,… Continue reading Manitoba Grain Farmers See Surge in Prices

Pre-harvest Herbicide Applications

By Kim Stonehouse, PAg, Crops Extension Specialist, Tisdale and Clark Brenzil, PAg, Provincial Specialist Weed Control, Regina Applications of pre-harvest herbicides at the right time can aid harvest by reducing the amount of green weed material present in a crop and help control perennial weeds. If these applications are done at an incorrect time it… Continue reading Pre-harvest Herbicide Applications

Farmers Are Getting Ready for a Bumper Crop

Source: Sean Pratt,, August 18, 2020 “Wheat was the real knock-your-socks-off (crop).” Western Canadian farmers are poised to harvest a bumper crop if the weather holds, say analysts. Neil Townsend, chief market analyst with FarmLink Marketing Solutions, said there is staggering potential in the fields this year, especially for cereal crops. Read the full… Continue reading Farmers Are Getting Ready for a Bumper Crop

Blackpoint, Leaf Spotting and Smudge of Wheat

Photo Credit: M. Burrows/ Crop Protection Network

Leaf Spotting Complex of Wheat Leaf spotting diseases affect wheat grown on the Canadian Prairies and the Great Plains of the United States (Figure 1). They can be caused by one or a combination of leaf spotting pathogens. Pyrenophora tritici-repentis causes tan spot on leaves and can also infect wheat kernels causing red or pink smudge and… Continue reading Blackpoint, Leaf Spotting and Smudge of Wheat

Tips for Organic Crop Insect Management

Photo Credit: Kentucky Pest News

Managing Insects in Organic Crops: Managing insects in the farm ecosystem is challenging. At a glance, it might seem that one insect is not significantly different from another, and that all are pests. But, because insect populations are interrelated, intervening to control them may prove to be more disruptive than beneficial. Specific insect types must… Continue reading Tips for Organic Crop Insect Management

Insect Surveys in Saskatchewan

Photo Credit: Gilles San Martin/Flickr photo/ Producer

By James Tansey, PhD AAg, Provincial Insect/Pest Management Specialist, Regina To get a sense of the potential threats to Saskatchewan crop production that insect pests pose, we need to evaluate their populations. The Ministry of Agriculture, in collaboration with Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the University of Saskatchewan, and other… Continue reading Insect Surveys in Saskatchewan

Wheat sales could skyrocket

Source: Sean Pratt,, November 28, 2019  Canadian wheat sales to China jumped to 1.75 million tonnes last year from a more typical 500,000 to 700,000 tonnes in previous years China is changing the way it administers its wheat tariff rate quota, and that should result in millions of tonnes of additional sales for exporters… Continue reading Wheat sales could skyrocket

Western Canadian wheat up in all classes

Source: Glen Hallick – MarketsFarm,, June 17, 2019  WINNIPEG – Wheat bids in Western Canada were up across the board for the week ended June 14. There were gains in Canadian Western Red Spring Wheat (CWRS), Canada Prairie Red Spring (CPRS) and Canadian Western Amber Durum (CWAD). Weakness in the Canadian dollar and gains in… Continue reading Western Canadian wheat up in all classes

Less canola, more wheat expected from Statistics Canada

Source: MarketsFarm, Phil Franz-Warkentin – MarketsFarm, April 22, 2019  Winnipeg – Canadian farmers will likely seed less canola and more spring wheat in 2019, but the extent of any acreage shifts remains to be seen as market participants await Statistics Canada’s first seeded area estimates of the year on April 24. Canola prices in Western Canada have… Continue reading Less canola, more wheat expected from Statistics Canada