'It was crazy': Deer crashes through window, enters Regina house

By CBC News, May 27, 2016  Animal smashes through front window, ends up in master bedroom Cathy Botsis was at work when a neighbour phoned with some disturbing news: a deer had smashed through the front window of her Regina home and was in her house. “It was crazy,” Cathy Botsis said, when she first… Continue reading 'It was crazy': Deer crashes through window, enters Regina house

Man Shoots Grizzly-Polar Bear Hybrid

By Kieran Mulvaney, Seeker.com, May 26, 2016  Such hybrids may become more common as climate change forces polar bears to move inland. An Inuit hunter may have shot a polar-bear grizzly hybrid last week — and while that’s an unusual thing right now, scientists believe that such genetic mixtures of the two closely related species… Continue reading Man Shoots Grizzly-Polar Bear Hybrid

Invasion of bats forces Australian town to issue state of emergency

By Associated Press, May 24, 2016  More than 100,000 bats have invaded a town in Australia, forcing the community to issue a state of emergency. Work was underway on Tuesday to eradicate thousands of bats from the Australian town of Batemans Bay, in New South Wales, with local government officials labelling the situation as a… Continue reading Invasion of bats forces Australian town to issue state of emergency

Leopards losing ground in battle against extinction: study

By Michelle Faul, The Associated Press, May 7, 2016  LAGOS, Nigeria – Leopards have lost 75 per cent of their historic range across Africa, Asia and the Middle East, with three Asian subspecies in danger of eradication, a new study says. A three-year review of data published in the scientific journal PeerJ this week challenges… Continue reading Leopards losing ground in battle against extinction: study

Drought Forces Zimbabwe to Sell Off Wildlife

By AFP, Discovery News, May 4, 2016  Drought-hit Zimbabwe has invited local farmers and private game rangers to buy wild animals as it destocks national game reserves to save fauna from starvation, the wildlife authority said Wednesday. Parks and wildlife authority spokeswoman Caroline Washaya said it has asked individuals and private game keepers to step… Continue reading Drought Forces Zimbabwe to Sell Off Wildlife