Distinguished Sask. First World War soldier honoured with memorial

Source: CBC News, November 10, 2017  Coulee named after Capt. David McAndie, a decorated member of the 10th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force It was an emotional day Thursday for the McAndie family as their relative, Capt. David McAndie, was recognized for his distinguished service during the First World War. On Thursday, a coulee close to McAndie’s homestead… Continue reading Distinguished Sask. First World War soldier honoured with memorial

When was Battle of Passchendaele? Most Canadians don’t know: poll

Source: Josh Dehaas, CTV News, November 8, 2017  Passchendaele was one of the deadliest battles in Canadian history, but a new poll released exactly 100 years later finds that most Canadians can’t even correctly identify which war it was part of. When given a list of five wars to choose from–including the Second World War,… Continue reading When was Battle of Passchendaele? Most Canadians don’t know: poll

Canadian’s Passchendaele Victoria Cross to go on sale a century after it was awarded

Source: Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press, November 5, 2017  OTTAWA — Passchendaele. More than 500,000 people, including 15,000 Canadians, were killed or wounded during the prolonged fight, as weeks of rain and shell fire churned the battlefield into a sea of mud. Yet amid the horror that enveloped a small part of Belgium in the summer… Continue reading Canadian’s Passchendaele Victoria Cross to go on sale a century after it was awarded

Kindersley Remembers Past Heroes

The rattling of machine guns, the booming of artillery, the shrill scream of shells, and the droning of planes. The bone-chilling cold, the oozing mud, the sleepless nights and everlasting days.   Thousands of men and women answered the call and served their country, no matter the cost. We will remember them. We will remember… Continue reading Kindersley Remembers Past Heroes

Songs of the Great War

The Eston Prairie West Historical Society presents “The Saskatchewan Tenor” Spencer McKnight and pianist Mark Turner (originally from Lacadena) in a recital that explores the music of the First World War 11 November 2017 7:30 pm Eston Full Gospel Church, Main St, Eston, SK Tickets available at the Eston Press Office and also at the door.

Battle of Passchendaele

For the last three years, Canadians have been passing important anniversaries of events related to the First World War. This October is one of these important anniversaries: it marks 100 years since Canadians became involved in the famous Battle of Passchendaele. Also known as the Third Battle of Ypres, this assault remains a classic example… Continue reading Battle of Passchendaele

Kindersley Remembers Vimy

Vimy 100th Remembrance Exactly 100 years ago, in the muddy fields of France, Canadian soldiers fought and died for a single objective—Vimy Ridge. Later to be known as the single bloodiest battle in Canadian Army history, the Battle of Vimy Ridge raged from April 9-12, 1917. The deadly ridge saw brave heroism in those who… Continue reading Kindersley Remembers Vimy

Honour Canada's fallen heroes at these war memorials in Europe

By Jackie Dunham, CTV News, November 11, 2016  If you’re planning a European vacation anytime soon, it’s worth your while to visit some of these stirring spots. As you pin a poppy to your lapel and head out to a local Remembrance Day ceremony to honour Canadian soldiers who have served for their country, you… Continue reading Honour Canada's fallen heroes at these war memorials in Europe

Wreck of U-Boat Sunk by a 'Sea Monster' Found

By Rossella Lorenzi, Seeker.com, October 19, 2016  Engineers may have found the final resting place of a WWI sub that legend says was attacked by a sea monster. Marine engineers laying an electricity cable beneath the Irish Sea may have stumbled into the wreck of a WW1 German submarine which folklore says was attacked by… Continue reading Wreck of U-Boat Sunk by a 'Sea Monster' Found

Newfoundland marks 100 years since carnage that launched Somme campaign

By The Canadian Press, July 1, 2016  ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — There were tears of pride, loss and remembrance as huge crowds gathered Friday to mark 100 years since the Newfoundland Regiment’s slaughter at Beaumont-Hamel shook the former British dominion to its core. July 1, 1916, was the disastrous launch of the Somme campaign in… Continue reading Newfoundland marks 100 years since carnage that launched Somme campaign