100 Years Ago Today: The Battle of the Somme

The grey light of dawn is creeping slowly along the eastern horizon. In the Somme Valley, France, a complicated network of trenches stretches across the landscape. Allied soldiers are along one side; German troops line the other. Between them lies No Man’s Land—scarred, cratered, and utterly empty of life. The silence is deafening. Then, with… Continue reading 100 Years Ago Today: The Battle of the Somme

Now isolated, Britain joins France at WWI centenary event

By Sylvie Corbet, The Associated Press, July 1, 2016  THIEPVAL, France — One week after Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, British Prime Minister David Cameron and members of the royal family are standing side-by-side with France’s president to celebrate their historic alliance at the centenary of the deadliest battle of World War I.… Continue reading Now isolated, Britain joins France at WWI centenary event

‘Christmas Miracle’ – 1914

A chocolate cake. That’s what started it. Or rather, the note that came along with it. Its exact words are not known. But its effect was profound: it inspired one of the most touching examples of humanity in modern warfare.  It was Christmas Eve, 1914. The Great War had been raging for nearly five months.… Continue reading ‘Christmas Miracle’ – 1914