A Christmas War Bride

Recently we were discussing some Christmas stories that we’ve had the privilege of writing, and this one sprang to mind! In 1945, the aftermath of WWII threatened to extinguish Christmas hope and cheer as sweethearts, brothers, sons, and husbands were still missing from the family circle. One family determined to have their day quietly—until a… Continue reading A Christmas War Bride

Ten Dollar Bill Veteran: The Story of Robert Metcalfe

War Veteran Featured on Old $10 Bill If you hold an old $10 bill from the early 2000’s and flip it over on the back right you will see an old veteran standing at attention near the Ottawa war memorial. Many believe this veteran to be Robert Metcalfe, who fought in the second world war… Continue reading Ten Dollar Bill Veteran: The Story of Robert Metcalfe

D-Day by the hour: A timeline of Operation Overlord in Normandy

Source: Josh K. Elliott, Global News, June 6, 2019  D-Day was a pivotal moment in the Second World War, when thousands of British, American and Canadian soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy to gain a foothold in Nazi-controlled Europe on June 6, 1944. The D-Day invasion of Normandy took a tremendous amount of co-ordination to pull off from… Continue reading D-Day by the hour: A timeline of Operation Overlord in Normandy

When the tide turned: Canadians hold massive D-Day event at Juno Beach Social Sharing

Source: Murray Brewster, CBC News, June 6, 2019 In bilingual ceremony, young Canadians recited readings from fighters saying ‘we are eternally grateful’ Three-quarters of a century ago today, Fred Turnbull was sitting in a landing craft plowing through the grey, choppy surf towards the shell-raked Normandy coast. At almost the same moment, Richard Rohmer — in the cockpit of… Continue reading When the tide turned: Canadians hold massive D-Day event at Juno Beach Social Sharing

Bike convoy to Juno Beach a chance for D-Day vet to revisit old memories

Source: CTV News, June 4, 2019  Two generations of Canadian military veterans are riding through France on their way to the shores of Normandy in time for the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Chris Kaye is one 130 soldiers and civilians making the more than 600-kilometre trek from Dieppe, France to Juno Beach as part of… Continue reading Bike convoy to Juno Beach a chance for D-Day vet to revisit old memories

Combat boots making cross-Canada journey to mark D-Day anniversary

Source: Ryan Flanagan, CTV News, May 9, 2019  Explaining the horrors of war to a generation that has never known it is no easy task. How can one explain the motivation that drove more than one million Canadians to fight for their country, or what they felt as they were handed a gun or grenades and… Continue reading Combat boots making cross-Canada journey to mark D-Day anniversary

Federal government to unveil plans to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day

Source: The Canadian Press, March 29, 2019  VANCOUVER — A departure ceremony is being held today in Vancouver for trains carrying combat boots symbolizing those who travelled to Halifax during the Second World War before they embarked for Europe. The journey is part of the federal government’s plan to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day… Continue reading Federal government to unveil plans to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day

New toonies to commemorate 75th anniversary of D-Day

Source: The Canadian Press, December 30, 2018  OTTAWA — The Royal Canadian Mint is creating two commemorative coins to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day. The Liberal cabinet approved the design of the new toonies, one of which will have multiple colours instead of the usual two-toned coin, to commemorate a key turning point in… Continue reading New toonies to commemorate 75th anniversary of D-Day

Sask. WW II veteran who survived 4 plane crashes becomes honorary Snowbird

Source: Olivia Stefanovich, CBC News, October 23, 2018  Reg ‘Crash’ Harrison completed more than a dozen air raids over occupied Europe Memories rushed back to Reg “Crash” Harrison as red and white planes of the Canadian Snowbirds soared over the tarmac of CFB Moose Jaw, Sask. The 97-year-old veteran from Lorlie, Sask., used to fly in… Continue reading Sask. WW II veteran who survived 4 plane crashes becomes honorary Snowbird