Explorer: no train or tunnel at search site for Nazi train

By The Associated Press, August 24, 2016 WARSAW, Poland — A spokesman for explorers searching for a legendary Nazi “gold train” in Poland says there is “no train, no tunnel” at the site where they have dug extensively. Last week explorers moved in with heavy equipment and dug deep at a site in the southwestern… Continue reading Explorer: no train or tunnel at search site for Nazi train

Search resumes for Nazi gold train that might not even exist

By Vanessa Gera, The Associated Press, Auguste 16, 2016  WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Explorers in Poland began digging Tuesday for a legendary Nazi train said to be laden with treasure and armaments. They’re not dissuaded by decades of fruitless searches, a scientific determination that no train is there and warnings by historians that such a… Continue reading Search resumes for Nazi gold train that might not even exist

Japan marks 71st anniversary of Hiroshima atomic bombing

By The Associated Press Staff, August 5, 2016  TOKYO – Japan is marking the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima by renewing calls for a nuclear weapons free world. Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui says world leaders should follow President Barack Obama and learn first-hand about the evils of nuclear weapons. Read full article… Continue reading Japan marks 71st anniversary of Hiroshima atomic bombing

Auschwitz bans visitors from playing Pokémon Go

By Nicole Bogart, Global News, July 13, 2016  Just when you thought the Internet’s obsession with Pokémon Go couldn’t get any worse, the Auschwitz Memorial has been forced to ban visitors from playing the smartphone game during visits to the former German death camp. In a tweet sent Tuesday, the memorial noted that visitors are… Continue reading Auschwitz bans visitors from playing Pokémon Go

Israel: Dug by Jews, tunnel from Nazi era found in Lithuania

By Daniel Estrin, The Associated Press, June 29, 2016  JERUSALEM — In a Lithuanian forest, an international research team has pinpointed the location of a legendary tunnel that Jewish prisoners secretly dug out with spoons to try to escape their Nazi captors during the Second World War, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced Wednesday. Read full… Continue reading Israel: Dug by Jews, tunnel from Nazi era found in Lithuania

Former Auschwitz guard Reinhold Hanning convicted

By BBC News, June 17, 2016  A 94-year-old former guard at the Auschwitz death camp has been sentenced to five years in jail. Reinhold Hanning was found guilty of being an accessory to the murder of at least 170,000 people. He was an SS guard at Auschwitz from 1942 to 1944. He has said he… Continue reading Former Auschwitz guard Reinhold Hanning convicted

Belgium concern as WW2 Nazis 'get German pensions'

By BBC News, June 9, 2016  A Belgian minister has voiced concern that as many as 2,500 Belgian ex-Nazis are receiving German pensions. Belgian survivors of Nazi persecution appealed to the government to stop the payments, and Pensions Minister Daniel Bacquelaine “shares their indignation”, his spokeswoman told the BBC. But Germany manages the payments and… Continue reading Belgium concern as WW2 Nazis 'get German pensions'

D-Day: Debunking the myths of the Normandy landings

By James Holland, CNN, June 6, 2016  (CNN) – Anniversaries are useful moments to pause and reflect. For the anniversary of D-Day — June 6, 1944 — and subsequent campaign in northern France, it is also an opportunity to look at the past in detail and ask how much of what we think we know is… Continue reading D-Day: Debunking the myths of the Normandy landings

Barack Obama makes historic visit to Hiroshima memorial

By The Associated Press, May 27, 2016  Obama calls for a reduction in nuclear stockpiles U.S. President Barack Obama says the world has a shared responsibility to ask how to prevent the suffering that took place in Hiroshima 70 years ago from happening again. Obama is speaking at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park alongside Japanese Prime… Continue reading Barack Obama makes historic visit to Hiroshima memorial