Sonshine Kennels: Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

Welcome to Saskatchewan winter-blustery days with snow and wind and frigid temperatures. Everyone needs a warm place to curl up just like this picture of Maggie by the fireplace. Critically important that your pet-dog-cat-rabbit has a safe, warm place to spend their winter days. Having a fur coat does not guarantee that they can survive… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

Maggie Mae: Christmas Safety Tips for Your Dog

The house is your pet’s core territory. Changing the way it looks, sounds and smells may unsettle pets. To help your pet cope, think about:  Putting decorations and presents out of the pet’s reach, which decreases the risk of chew hazards.  Give your pet a place to retreat to, away from the madness. A crate… Continue reading Maggie Mae: Christmas Safety Tips for Your Dog

Maggie Mae: Do Not Worry or Surrender to Fear

Worry and fear are co-conspirators in stealing your confidence and peace. Stand against them at all costs. How many times do we see people succumbing to these forces? Enough is enough. Actually, this frequently happens in animals too-often the result of rough treatment, neglect or abuse. The bridge of trust can easily be broken in their minds and hearts. Always respect… Continue reading Maggie Mae: Do Not Worry or Surrender to Fear