Ten Candidates Running in Three March 1 By-Elections

Source: Elections Saskatchewan Media Release, Elections.sk.ca, February 13, 2018 

February 13, 2018 – A total of 10 candidates have been officially nominated in the constituencies of Kindersley, Melfort and Swift Current for the March 1 by-elections.

Three candidates in Kindersley officially submitted their nomination papers as of the legislated deadline today at 2 p.m., along with three candidates in Melfort and four in Swift Current.

Ken Francis, Saskatchewan Party
Travis Hebert, New Democratic Party, Saskatchewan Section
Yvonne Potter-Pihach, Saskatchewan Green Party

Todd Goudy, Saskatchewan Party
Lorne Schroeder, New Democratic Party, Saskatchewan Section
Shawn Setyo, Saskatchewan Green Party

Swift Current:
Everett Hindley, Saskatchewan Party
Maria Rose Lewans, Saskatchewan Green Party
Aidan Roy, Saskatchewan Liberal Party
Stefan Rumpel, New Democratic Party, Saskatchewan Section

The three by-elections will be held March 1. There are five days of advance voting in each of the events—February 23 to 27.

More information is available at www.elections.sk.ca/2018byelections.

Elections Saskatchewan is the province’s independent, impartial, professional election management body. Given a mandate from the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly, it organizes, manages and oversees provincial electoral events. Find information for voters, workers, media, candidates and parties at www.elections.sk.ca.

Feature Image Source: Elections Saskatchewan 

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