Thank You to Santa's Hut Supporters

We would like to thank everyone involved in Santa’s Hut 2015 for their

tremendous support they have given The West Central Crisis & Family

Support Centre and our Annual Fundraiser.  Without their support this

event would not be possible. Thank you to all of the local media for getting

the word out to the public.

Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who donate items and cash

to ensure all children have items to purchase for their families. Your

generosity does not go unnoticed. We rely on the donations from our

communities so every child has the opportunity to buy a brand new item for

their family members for Christmas.

We would also like to thank the very special people who help us co-

ordinate the Santa’s Huts in the outlying areas Jolene Scheible (Coleville),

Sara Wilke (Marengo), Anne Rhodes (Eatonia), Nicole Price & Jackie

Thome (Eston). Thanks for all the effort and energy you ladies put into this

project to make it the success it is.

Thank you to everyone who helped set up, clean up and worked at each of

the Santa’s Huts. Your help ensures all children leave with a very positive

experience and a great sense of self-esteem, pride and enjoyment. The

look on their little faces as they pick out and purchase their gift items for

their family is memorable and priceless and worth absolutely every minute

of time and energy it takes to hold this great event.

West Central Crisis Centre Board & Staff

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