Town of Kindersley to Celebrate Saskatchewan Multicultural Week

It’s Multicultural Week in Saskatchewan from November 16-24!

During the Town Council Meeting on Tuesday, Mayor Rod Perkins declared November 16-24th as Saskatchewan Multicultural Week within the Town of Kindersley.

The Council is encouraging all residents to participate and take this fantastic opportunity to learn something new about your fellow neighbours and community members.

The purpose of this week is to help raise awareness of the benefits of cultural diversity within our social, economic and political life of Saskatchewan.

This year, the theme of Multicultural Week is, ‘Who’s your Multicultural Superhero?’

Examples of Multicultural Superheroes would be leaders of all types, whether famous people, family members or individuals within your community.

You can join the campaign on Social Media and share with us your hero with hashtag #MulticulturalSuperhero.

For more information visit

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