Victimhood, Intolerance & Western Seperation

There is a definite spike in the desire for Western Canadian separation from the rest of Canada.

An Angus Reid poll in December showed the majority of Saskatchewan and Alberta were open to separation. A radio talk show host had over 80% of those participating inclined towards separation.

This cauldron of cultural conflict may be a flash in the pot, or the beginning of a raging fire.

What is being forwarded on Western separation in articles, blogs and postings?

“Western Canada is a victim!” Here are some of the bullet points of that oppression:

  • Regional unfairness (SNC Lavalin – Bombardier)
  • The economic exploitation of the west (Equalization/transfer payments – unbalanced power and control of money)
  • Political domination on the East (Laurentian area of Ontario and Quebec)
  • Getting natural resources to international markets • Carbon tax excesses
  • The lack of action on Western oil and gas issues – (Pipeline, pricing, export)
  • The political interference of agricultural disputes in China and India and USA (Canola, Soybeans, Dairy)
  • The assault on agriculture as seen in the Canada Food Guide (Cattle)

Meanwhile, the intolerance of a central federal government is seen in such alleged slights as government ministers cancelling or not attending meetings in Saskatchewan.

Separatism is on the table!

Thus, a billboard in a federal Liberal MP’s riding in Regina that asks the question: “Should Saskatchewan leave Canada?”.

Let’s think about that. Sociologists are exploring a new phase in how we work together as a society.

We in North America used to live in an honour society – based on bravery. You were strong and able to handle your conflicts yourself. Self assured, sword in hand, the king rides forth to defend his honour. The brave triumph over all others. Land is conquered – the spoils go to the conqueror.

This has gradually been replaced by a dignity culture – people are of equal worth and dignity. The society distinguishes between major and minor offences – between speech and violence. You don’t insult others, you don’t take insults personally and you assume people have good hearts.

A new culture has arisen, that of victimhood. Those identifying as victims – those that feel oppressed – tend not to demand equality but protection. Aggression against victims, in their eyes, now includes political disagreement and ordinary speech. Discourse seeks to be politically correct, but can never suit everyone. In the end, inclusion is dismissed and identity politics reign.

Western Canadian Separatism?

Is this a matter of being a victim, and merely wanting protection from bad things? Or is this a desire to create equality – wanting to be just like everyone else? Or is this an attempt to conquer the land – and reign supreme?

Until these questions are answered, Canadians will remain bewildered and frustrated, not knowing whether to throw support behind a divisive Western Separatism, to remain oblivious and trust that all things will work out, or to see this as a way to create attention – for the good of the people and justice for all!

Read more by Ron at KindersleySocial/Ron-Baker

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By Ron Baker

Ron Baker is a recently retired (2005) member of the Kindersley community. His roots run deep – his grandfather homesteaded just outside Kindersley in the early 1900's. Ron was born in the old Kindersley Hospital, has made his home in various other communities over the years, but keeps coming back. Committed to the community, Ron has found his local involvement has proved to be great fodder for some hilarious tales and tragic events. His experience in administration and working with people, along with his love for a good story, ought to help to bring daily life to life! Ron blogs at, and is pleased to be a part of the writing “crew” at Kindersley Social.