West Central Abilities Preps for New Facility

After nearly 15 years of wish-lists and fundraising efforts, one of the goals of West Central Abilities Inc. is becoming a reality — a new facility in which to run their programs.

This new facility looks to replace the aging and crowded facility the organization currently uses, as well as provide a new location closer to several of Kindersley’s amenities.

West Central Abilities (WCA) is a non-profit organization based in Kindersley that provides services to and creates opportunities for adults with developmental challenges. WCA’s mission is to empower these individuals through Person Centred Programs so they can “make choices, experience fulfillment and enjoy full citizenship.” [WCA’s Mission Statement] For some that means educational and physical therapy and training, for others, it means meaningful employment and volunteer work within the community. The new facility the WCA is building will play a major role in providing those services.

“We are currently in the planning stages,” says Kim Edmunds, Executive Director of WCA. “But hope to have a sod turning ceremony as early as mid-May.”

The site picked out for the new facility is the two vacant lots and one house lot on First Avenue in Kindersley, the three lots right next to the current West Central Crisis and Family Support Centre. This location is ideal for the WCA, far more than their current location in the industrial sector of Kindersley.

“Anyone who has operated a wheelchair knows how well they operate on gravel roads — it just doesn’t work. Not to mention our current facility is directly across a busy industrial lot with a lot of trucks coming and going, blowing dust and making safety a concern for our clients.” Edmunds contrasted that with the quieter street of First Avenue, only a few blocks from the post office, several banks, two grocery stores and one or two restaurants.


Image Source: West Central Abilities Facebook Page 

WCA’s vision for their new facility includes a greater involvement of WCA’s clients in the community of Kindersley, as well as more space to care for individuals. “WCA is already involved in the community by volunteering at places such as the elementary schools, at a local kennel, and with Meals on Wheels or by attending activates at the WECE, Caleb Village or the Manor. The closer we are to the centre of Kindersley, the more we will be able to be involved.” Edmunds also said the centre will be able to provide more and better quality care for clients, as the finished product will include classrooms, personal care rooms, green spaces and a community kitchen and dining room.

Edmunds says undertaking this project will not be easy, and the organization is looking forward to partnerships and donations from the community to make their goal a reality. Through diligent fundraising, the organization has already been able to raise $508,000 towards the project, and they have plans for more fundraising events in the future. This includes a designer sign-making event on Mother’s Day weekend, and an ongoing ring raffle, where the winner will be drawn at the annual general meeting on June 21. More information on those events will be released once details are finalized.

Of course, fundraising isn’t going to be enough for a massive project such as a new facility, so WCA is looking for outside partnerships. “Being that we are a non-profit organization, fundraisers, partnerships and supporters are crucial to tackling this next project.” Edmunds says they have a Brick by Brick campaign for recognizing donations, as well as the possibility of named rooms for larger donations.

Anyone interested in sponsoring the WCA’s major project has several options ahead of them. One option is to make a yearly donation; another is to purchase equipment, furnishings, supplies, or vehicles. Still, another is in-kind contributions or a one-time donation. Since the WCA is a non-profit organization, they will be able to issue charitable organization tax receipts. For more information, contact Edmunds at 306-463-2727 or at Box 1626 Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0.

Feature Image Source: File Image – Steven Lund/JEM Creative 

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By Mallorie Rast

Born and raised in the Kindersley area, Mallorie has a deep appreciation for rural living and the importance of a community spirit. Farm girl to the core, she is passionate about training and working with stock dogs and sheep on the family ranch. When she’s not working on the farm or writing for Kindersley Social, she loves diving into history and apologetics.