West Central Crisis Centre: We offer Stress and Anxiety Management

The staff at the West Central Crisis & Family Support Centre can assist individuals with high levels of stress and anxiety. Creating awareness of stress acknowledgement and understanding is a necessity to manage productively.


  • Stress is the body’s response to a real or perceived threat. Stress is a reaction to a situation. We usually feel stressed when we think that the demands of the situation are greater than our resources to deal with that situation.
  • Some stress can be a good thing. It can motivate us to focus on a task or take action and solve a problem. In this situation, stress is manageable and even helpful.
  • When stress is unhelpful, people may feel overwhelmed or feel like they can’t possibly fix the problem.

Common Causes:
Common sources of stress may include major life events, long-term worries, persistent illness, parenting challenges, relationship management, farm/work pressures and many more can also feel stressful. Even daily hassles can be a source of stress.

Common Strategies for Management:

  • Identify the issue
  • Discuss the issue
  • Simplify your life
  • Learn assistance resources
  • Learn helpful thinking strategies/stress management techniques
  • Care for your well-being/explore self-care options

If you are a person dealing with stress/anxieties and needing assistance with management, the Crisis Centre Staff would be happy to assist you.

Call (306)463-6655 to speak with a counsellor.

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