West Central Storm – July 3rd

Last night brought some crazy storms into the West Central area last night.

I has just gotten back from the lake and unpacked so I figured I would go grab so lightning pictures.  At that point radar didn’t look good for anything more than that.  I went North of Eatonia up to Stony Vista road where I caught up with some structure.

Image Courtesy of Author
Image Courtesy of Jenny Hagan

I knew at this point the storm was going to pack a punch. The was a few funnels, but nothing touched down. Mainly the threat was strong wind and large hail so I trucked it East to highway 21 where I could get South of the storm.

At Glidden I took the opportunity to get East and ahead of the system so I could get some more pictures of the beautiful structure of the shelf.

Image Courtesy of Jenny Hagan
Image Courtesy of Jenny Hagan
Image Courtesy of Jenny Hagan
Image Courtesy of Jenny Hagan

At this point I thought I could possibly skirt South of the storm to avoid the hail and head home.  But that was not the case.  Seeing the people fleeing the storm I headed East to Eston when the golf and baseball sized hail reached me.  I felt bad for those that were driving into it.  While I did try to flash them to warn them of what was up the road, not many people pay much attention to my soccer mom chase vehicle, a grey Dodge Caravan.  Might be time for some Soccer mom chase team stickers for that thing!  I took shelter at a friends house in Eston and let the storm pass me.  
The best part of the night was the amazing vivid colourful sky following the storm.  It was mother natures band aid after she hammers you.  A little sorry for throwing baseballs at you and trying to blow you off the planet so here are some pretty skies to make it all better. Remember you can follow me on twitter for live updates during storms @JennyLeeHagan and post storm pictures at facebook.com/backroadcreationsbyjenny

Image Courtesy of Jenny Hagan
Image Courtesy of Jenny Hagan
Image Courtesy of Jenny Hagan
Image Courtesy of Jenny Hagan

Want to read more about storms? Follow Jenny’s adventures HERE

By Jenny Hagan

Jenny Hagan is an Artist/Photographer/Crafter/Storm Chaser. Follow Jenny as she lets you in on her many adventures, photography, talents and much more!