When the tide turned: Canadians hold massive D-Day event at Juno Beach Social Sharing

Source: Murray Brewster, CBC News, June 6, 2019

In bilingual ceremony, young Canadians recited readings from fighters saying ‘we are eternally grateful’

Three-quarters of a century ago today, Fred Turnbull was sitting in a landing craft plowing through the grey, choppy surf towards the shell-raked Normandy coast.

At almost the same moment, Richard Rohmer — in the cockpit of a sleek, powerful Mustang fighter — swooped low over the beach where Canadian troops were about to spill their blood and the blood of terrified German defenders.

It was a seminal moment for both men, and for the western democracies fighting to free Europe from the grip of fascism.

Read full article here….

Image Source: Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press

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