While I Was Sitting

I can hardly believe it! Two years (50 editorials) writing for Kindersley Social!

The fun part has been starting with an interesting current event or an historical/ hysterical affair. Then, I just let the juices flow – or is that the ink (oops, in a digital age, I guess that is the “bytes”).

Some of you may wonder what I do in between the flurry of writing!

Well, since Christmas, my wife and I have finished twelve puzzles. This is puzzling to me – for the last 40 years I have not finished that many puzzles. Sometimes a new inspiration just hits you, and you run with it (or sit with it, in the case of puzzles).

I have also published my first book. I think all of us have a book in us. When you put together all those discussions at coffee – with your bias and prejudice and truth-telling – you are well on your way. Others are more disciplined and even sit down to write. I launched the book in February at Caleb Village, and on March 21st at 2:00 in the afternoon, I’ll read excerpts from the book at the Kindersley Library (free of charge – with coffee and donuts provided!!).

As if writing a book wasn’t enough, I’m off to a research conference at Ambrose University. I’ll sit and listen to students present their thoughts on the shape of the world in the next fifty years. And I might even be able to do a presentation myself – I’m in the midst of the submission process, doing research and writing.

I love to wash dishes – perhaps its the warm feel of the water, or just wanting the counter cleaned off. I am cooking supper regularly – a new habit in the past few years. Prior to that (and by that, I mean the previous years from my birth onwards) I did not regularly cook meals. I now do the grocery shopping. I pick up the mail at the Post Office. I sing in a community choir, go to church regularly, coffee, preach, . . . And then I like to have my body at home, sitting in a chair.

I have been a part (a small part) of renovations. Our previous house was sold a few years ago (after some “lipstick” renovations), our current house was mostly gutted and reinvigorated. We have an empty lot we own (right across form our cur- rent house) on which we plan to place a house this summer. Each evening I will sit back and view the progress.

And a new grandson – a thing any grandfather will tell you is made for quiet sitting and napping (for the grandson and the grandfather). And then, pretending I’m retired by sitting back and resting.

My stress level is good! Maybe it has something to do with just sitting! May you find time to just sit back and rest!

By Ron Baker

Ron Baker is a recently retired (2005) member of the Kindersley community. His roots run deep – his grandfather homesteaded just outside Kindersley in the early 1900's. Ron was born in the old Kindersley Hospital, has made his home in various other communities over the years, but keeps coming back. Committed to the community, Ron has found his local involvement has proved to be great fodder for some hilarious tales and tragic events. His experience in administration and working with people, along with his love for a good story, ought to help to bring daily life to life! Ron blogs at ronbaker.ca, and is pleased to be a part of the writing “crew” at Kindersley Social.