Will the Cold End?

Cold Weather Likely to Persist Through Weekend

It has been a long and cold week for the Prairie provinces. Mercury-dropping temperatures and extreme wind chill values has held an icy grip, warranting extreme cold warnings for the entire province of Saskatchewan yesterday.

The lowest temperature over the past 24 hours in the Kindersley area was -36C without the windchill at 12:00 a.m Thursday morning. According to Environment Canada, the wind chill was -52C this morning but will ‘warm up’ to -38C by this afternoon.

Remember, frostbite can occur within minutes on days like today. Keep your skin covered from the wind and dress for the weather.

According to meteorologists, this bone chilling cold is the result of what is called a cross-polar flow. Cold air which is usually over Siberia has been pushed into Western Canada, creating the low temperatures.

Cold weather also means more power usage. SaskPower reported that on Tuesday the province came close to hitting an all-time power usage record set in 2017.

The long-range forecast predicts that Monday will bring a much-needed warm up.

Meanwhile, stay warm and safe!

Image Source: File ImageĀ 

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