Winter Photography

Its winter time in Saskatchewan.

I know last week that was a little hard to believe.  In the pluses and no snow on the ground.  Every so often we get a mild winter like this.  The blasting cold of some winters makes us appreciate these mild temperatures even more.  Two years ago at this time of the year it was -51C.   I have to say though nothing beats a White Christmas. I was starting to think we wouldn’t have any snow for the holidays.  While I was enjoying the nice weather I was a little disappointed.  The other evening though fixed that.  With 3.5 inches of fresh white snow that seemed to jump start an influx of Christmas Cheer.  The Christmas concert at Eaton School in Eatonia seemed to add to the cheer.



As a photographer I have a love hate relationship with winter.  I dislike the cold and so does my camera.  The battery dies so quickly in cold weather.  While -40 temperatures can make for some awesome shots I’m much too soft to get more than a couple photos.  The weather we are currently having works out great for me! Fresh snow, fog, and frost.  Its a wonderful combination that makes everything beautiful.   Get out and enjoy the sites 🙂

By Jenny Hagan

Jenny Hagan is an Artist/Photographer/Crafter/Storm Chaser. Follow Jenny as she lets you in on her many adventures, photography, talents and much more!