Winter Weights Removed from Provincial Highways

Removed Province Wide

As of March 15th, all existing winter weights are removed for the entire province of Saskatchewan. Weight regulations will return to normal starting today.

Typically winter weights run from November to March, as once the road bed freezes it can withstand heavier truck loads without damage.

“Winter weights are permitted on secondary highways so shippers can carry more weight during the winter months,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Lori Carr said.  “Our staff monitor road conditions carefully so the reversion to regulation weight occurs at the correct time, protecting our roads from damage during the spring melt.”

Given this time of year the Spring road restrictions will be soon, though they are dependant on the weather.

To check which highways are impacted by weight restrictions, please visit  Spring road bans will be posted as necessary under the “New Spring Order” link.

For updates on RM roads in the R.M. of Kindersley be sure to follow their website for updates:

Image Source: File Image

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