Local curbside food drive on Saturday, April 18th
In Kindersley on Saturday, April 18th at 1 p.m.there will be a door-to-door curbside food drive in support of the Kindersley and District Food Bank.
Local residents Barry Andrew and Scott Holloway started the drive, knowing there will be an increase in the number of community members reaching out to the Food Bank. “We know that in the coming months, there will be an extraordinary need for food security in Kindersley as residents faced with little or no income adjust to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”
Due to the importance of maintaining social distancing, community members are asked to leave their donated non-perishable food items on their doorsteps or edge of the driveway at 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 18th. Volunteers will begin at this time and are hoping, with a large enough group, that all items can be picked up within an hour, after which all goods will be delivered to the Food Bank.
“We can all play a small part in helping our neighbors by supporting this initiative in two ways; be a donor, and or volunteer on the day of the event.”
If you would like to volunteer, all that is asked of you is that you have a truck or van for food collection and should be from the same household, so social distancing is not compromised. Street(s) for collection will be assigned on the day and depending on the number of volunteers.
If you would like more information or to volunteer, you can reach Barry at 306 460-5527.
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