Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen is providing soup and bread to anyone who needs it
Source: Kindersley.ca
The Kindersley Christian Fellowship is offering, at no charge, hearty soup and bread to anyone who may need assistance during this time.
All soups are frozen in 4 or 8 cups clear FDA and USDA compliant zip lock bags. Ingredients will be clearly labelled on each bag, and all Public Health Food safety protocols have been closely followed during the preparation.
If this is of interest to you, please call 306-463-6146 and leave a message or email info@kcfhope.com. Please leave your name, number of adults and children in your family. Also, list any allergies and the best way to get in touch with you as the menu will need to be discussed along with further information.
Your package can be picked up at the east door of KCF from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Wednesday at 800 – 12th Ave. E. Delivery is also available if needed.
Please know, a specific COVID-19 protocol has been put in place to eliminate personal contact.
If you or anyone you know has additional questions, please contact Barbe Dunn at 306-460-9304.
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