It’s no doubt that one of the biggest breakout trends over the last few years has been the feminist reboot. However, 2020 is shaping up to be all about Jane Austen.
So far, there are four new books out this year inspired by not only Austen’s previous work but her life and family. There is also the film adaptation of Emma, a touring play and rumors of a TV adaptation of Pride And Prejudice.
So how did the daughter of a clergyman born in 1775, spawn such a huge entertainment industry? Especially when, during her life, Austen saw modest success as a writer, anonymously publishing four novels (she wrote seven in total and left another two unfinished when she died at the age of 41).
It wasn’t until 16 years later, when her novels were republished that she really hooked readers with her tales of romance, society and hard economic truths. She also has a certain knack that combines humor, skill and insight into humanities quirks that seem to speak universal truth — not only does she provide much-needed escapism, but there’s always something new to get from her novels, no matter what stage of life you’re in.
Ultimately Austen’s longevity is thanks to the universes she created and how she continues to touch so many readers’ lives in a unique way that causes us not to want to put her novels down.
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