COVID-19 Emergency Relief Bursary available for Great Plains College students
Source: Great Plains College
Great Plains College, with support from the Ministry of Advanced Education, is encouraging students in need to apply for an Emergency Relief Bursary. The bursary is meant to provide assistance to college students whose continued education is at risk due to unexpected financial issues during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The Ministry of Advanced Education is providing an opportunity to help students meet essential needs when their educational program is disrupted due to the impact of COVID-19,” says director of communications and development Carrie Voysey. “Great Plains College is going to match the amount provided by the ministry so in essence, we have approximately $73,000 to allocate to emergency bursary funds.”
One-time payments of $750, $500 or $300 will be available to successful applicants that meet the student eligibility criteria. “We are in an unprecedented situation,” says Voysey. “Within a very short time frame, the college staff had to move to a work-from-home model and students were presented with alternative ways to complete their programs, wherever possible. Everyone has been working hard to ensure student success. We are hoping this helps.”
Applications can be downloaded at www.greatplainscollege.ca/bursary and must be received prior to September 30, 2020.
Individuals with questions about the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Bursary can contact donor services coordinator Dianne Sletten at development@greatplainscollege.ca or by calling 306-778-5456 or 1-866-296-2472.
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