West Central Abilities Inc. in Kindersley celebrated a week-long spirit week.
During this time of lockdown and social distancing, West Central Abilities Inc. in Kindersley has come up with a fun way to keep spirits high.
Typically, West Central’s day program schedules a few spirit days throughout the month. However, with COVID-19, a week-long spirit week was chosen as an additional activity to keep everyone connected.
“Just like all of us, some individuals are struggling with this drastic change in routine, but all of our wonderful staff are working hard to build new routines and offer activities to keep everyone engaged in what they enjoy,” says Regan Overand, program administrator for West Central Abilities Inc.
Together, the clients and staff at all of the group homes thought up ideas for the spirit week and developed a schedule based on that. The goal was to use what was already available at the houses and the activity centre. “It was great to see how creative everyone got with the themes. The group from Variety Place in Outlook made their own hats from cardboard and decorated them beautifully,” says Overand.
Individuals, clients, staff, family members and other agencies were invited to participate. The response was great and after each event, pictures were shared pictures with each other via email and social media .
“The clients and staff at another house set up the dining room as a photo booth each day and had a great time getting ready and participating in each day’s theme,” says Overand.
The team, who are always busy brainstorming new ideas and events, have asked the other agencies who participated to share their ideas of other theme days, and look forward to future events both virtual and in-person. “We are excited to see each other again, and I know there will be lots of hugs in the future,” says Overand.
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