Absolutely EyesBusiness Directorycovid
Absolutely Eyes: We are Back!
We are VERY excited to be able to re-open our optometry clinics for more routine eye exams. Things will be done carefully and with great respect to the on-going situation to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. The following steps will be implemented to enable a safe environment for everyone!
- When you arrive you will be asked health-screening questions – PLEASE stay home if you are not feeling well or have been exposed to people who have been diagnosed with, or are presumed to have, COVID19.
- You will be asked to sanitize your hands upon arrival.
- You will be asked to respect social distancing with other customers, however due to the nature of our work, our team will come into closer contact that the 2 meters specified, thus we ask patients and our customers, as well as our doctors, opticians, and optometric assistants to wear a mask while in the office (our receptionist staff will not be required to wear a mask, however will maintain distancing and utilize barriers).
- We are still asking seniors who are more vulnerable (have relevant underlying health conditions or live in a communal setting to avoid coming in for non-essential services); however when necessary, we will accommodate with early morning or end of day appointments which are less populated times – PLEASE ADVISE US if this applies to you.
- We will be following strict sanitization guidelines, so please cooperate with the process by not handling frames unless advised to do so, and minimize surface touching.
- We are also complying with the reduced number of people in the office at one time, so please avoid bringing others with you. It is advised to have those accompanying you remain in their vehicle until you are ready for them!
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