Jeremy Patzer: My Thoughts on the Carbon Tax Increase
In December 2020, the Liberal Government announced that they would hike federal carbon tax to $170 a tonne by 2030. This increase will mean that Canadians will pay more for groceries, home heating, and add up to 37.57 cents per litre to the cost of gas.
This announcement is completely tone deaf, as it comes at a time when Canadians are struggling to get by and trying to cope with implications COVID-19 has had on our lives. I also have major concerns about what the impact of this new tax will have on our farmers and small businesses, who’ve already been unfairly targeted by this tax. We as Conservatives put forward a motion to stop the Liberals from raising taxes during the pandemic, not only did the Liberals vote against our motion, but they are now raising the Carbon Tax even higher.
I will always remind everyone that Canada is a world leader in clean and ethical oil and gas production. We are also at the cutting edge of carbon reduction technologies, and our nuclear, hydrogen and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) are the best in the world. Canadians should be proud of our innovative energy industries.
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