The Kinsmen and Kinette Club of Kindersley Raising Funds for Telemiracle 45
With TeleMiracle 45 taking place on February 27th and 28th, the Kinsmen and Kinette Club of Kindersley are continuing to raise funds for their on-air-donation.
“As of January 29th, we have collected over $1200 in online donations. We are trying to spread the word through the schools and community to get people to donate as a united effort. As the date comes closer, we are hoping for more support from our community,” says Lisa Kirtzinger, the club’s TeleMiracle representative.
“This is the first year we are trying a more united effort due to the online campaign. In the past, the three local schools in Kindersley have pooled their funds to make a larger contribution, but this year we decided to make it easier for parents, community members and businesses to contribute without having to send cash as a donation. People can donate in one place and get an automated receipt issued directly to them. The TeleMiracle Foundation said to expect the receipt within a month from the time of donation. You can also receive a TeleMiracle Teddy for any donation of $145 or over. They are working on setting up a check box to request that on the online campaign, but if it is not up and running for anyone who contributes that amount, just contact our club at and we will contact the Foundation on your behalf.
In the past, the club has attended Telemiracle and made their donation in person. However, with restrictions around COVID the club is unsure how their presentation will be made.
“Two members of our local Kinsmen and Kinette Club of Kindersley have made an application to present the on-air donation. We do not know yet what day or time this will be and if it will be via a Zoom donation or pre-recorded submission yet, ” says Kirtzinger.
While COVID may have changed the “look” of TeleMiracle this year, it hasn’t changed what it is about and the meaning behind the fundraiser.
“I think TeleMiracle is such a long-standing provincial cause that will have support from the people of the province whether we are in a pandemic or not. Since no one can attend in person this year it definitely will affect the hands-on part of the telethon but it won’t affect the heart of it. I’m hoping people contribute to our community-driven campaign, but the most important thing is that people support TeleMiracle in any way they can. All money raised goes to the people of our province and that’s what really matters.”
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