454 Dance Co. Studio Owner Lindsay Larock Will Share Experiences at Hindsight2020
Lindsay Larock, Studio Owner & Instructor at 454 Dance Co. Eston & Eatonia, will be sharing her experiences and some insight during this year’s Hindsight2020.
In her studio, where she teaches anyone from toddlers to adults, Larock strives to build a sense of belonging and inclusiveness, believing the studio should be a place where her students can be free to express themselves without judgment. She also recognizes the role she plays in her student’s lives and works hard to help them shine in their unique way.
During her time teaching, Larock has taken her dancers twice to perform in Disneyland parades, and she’s also helped organize “Ballroom Blitz”, a local fundraiser that has raised over $100,000 over three years.
What inspired you to open/create this business?
My oldest daughter, Addy inspired me to start my dance studio. I know the amount of time and dedication it takes to be a dancer and I selfishly wanted to be part of that area in her life. It worked out in my favour that I ended up having three dancing daughters who I get to spend many weeknights and car rides to dance class with!
Has this always been your passion, or did you envision yourself doing something different?
I have always been passionate about dance. The joy of teaching came later, especially after becoming a mom. I never would have thought that I would have become a dance teacher but now, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.
What challenges have you had along the way?
A dance teachers’ busiest time of day is after school, during supper hour and bedtime. Figuring out a way to make all that happen when you aren’t home, takes time and organization. I am thankful to have a great husband at home who isn’t afraid to work on spelling words and brush out little girls’ hair!
What has been your proudest moment/achievement?
I feel proud during every class I teach. The smallest things like seeing a dancer master a new step or even being able to tie their hip hop shoes makes my heart beam!
What plans do you have for the future?
In the future, I hope to continue dancing, creating and having fun! Life is too short to sit still, I plan on dancing my way through the rest of my life!
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