Mayor Proclaims Emergency Preparedness Week
Mayor Rod Perkins recently proclaimed the week of May 2nd-8th, 2021 to be Emergency Preparedness Week in the Town of Kindersley.
Council encourages all residents to participate in educating themselves on emergency preparedness by downloading early warning apps, preparing to shelter in place, and remaining aware of developing situations in the community.
Residents can receive personalized and relevant communications from the Town of Kindersley regarding emergencies, critical events, snow removal, street cleaning, water restrictions, and garbage/recycle pickup via Voyent Alert! Register for free and anonymously at ca.voyent-alert.com.
Who does what in an emergency?
1. Individuals and families
You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours during an emergency. You should also understand the basic principles of first aid and safety.
Every disaster is a local disaster. Different levels of organizations respond progressively as an emergency escalates and their resources are needed. The first ones to respond are closest to the emergency.
2. First Responders – i.e. fire, police, paramedics
Local fire, police, paramedic, and search and rescue teams are normally the first to respond to an emergency. They are responsible for managing most local emergencies as part of the municipal emergency plan.
3. Non-government organizations
There are several non-profit, non-government organizations (NGOs) that play very important roles in emergency management, including disaster prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. Some examples include the Canadian Red Cross, St. John Ambulance and The Salvation Army. They work in partnership with governments to help Canadians deal with emergencies, from providing first aid training to disaster relief.
4. Provincial and territorial governments
Every province and territory has an emergency management organization (EMO), which manages large-scale emergencies and provides assistance to municipal or community response teams as required. EMOs fulfill an important role in support of first responders and municipalities.
5. Federal government
Federal departments and agencies support provincial or territorial EMOs as requested. They also manage emergencies that involve areas of federal jurisdiction, such as nuclear safety, national defense and border security.
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